Thursday, January 26, 2017

Quick Thoughts

Here's some quick thoughts on some of my music:
First of all, I just went into the Logic Pro X files for a few of my songs, and I decided to look at the "Score" feature. What this does is it displays the sheet music for all of the MIDI notes in the song in the form of a score. I am able to look at these songs as a musical score, which makes it (potentially) possible for a school band or any musician to be able to make a fully orchestrated version of any of my songs if they requested sheet music. Obviously, I would have to modify the score for the samples and drum kits, because it displays every drum hit as a certain note. This makes it slightly harder to be accurate. Also, any loops I decide to use don't get transcribed, which is actually fine, because it shouldn't be too difficult to transcribe to MIDI. However, the various effects I use are not able to be accurately reproduced, such as a riser. The "Endless Riser" preset in Logic Pro is a synth riser that slowly pitches up across 8 to 12 bars depending on my usage of it. Of course, you could just use a trombone for that. Or a slide whistle. Or a controlled, slow, glissando on harp. That's all for today. Bye!

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