Monday, November 21, 2016

Pride flag designs

Hey hey hey fam wats up
ok ill stop
Anyways I made some cool LGBTQ+ pride designs. I have been using the penrose triangle in my art for a long time. I decided to make one that's made of rock using Photoshop:
Then, I used that as a base for more versions. 
Bi pride:

Pan pride:

Transgender pride:

LGBTQ+ pride:

 Asexual pride:
 Agender pride:

 Genderqueer pride:

If you want me to do other flags/designs for this idea, let me know.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Album is now available for streaming on Spotify!

My new album is up on Spotify! Click the link to open it in Spotify, or search "EDM Side Project" or "This is 1984"! You can also get it on AmazonGoogle Play, and iTunes/Apple Music! More will be available soon. You can expect it to be on Tidal, Deezer, Microsoft Groove, Rdio, YouTube Music, and all MediaNet stores. Have fun!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Congratulations, America, you just played yourself.

It appears that America has elected its first Oompa Loompa president: Donald J. Trump. The only positive things here that I can immediately see are:

  • 4 more years of Alec Baldwin playing Trump on SNL
  • Some of the best late night show stuff you have ever seen
  • I will be making a youtube series in the style of these late night comedy shows as a reaction to Trump's win. Stay posted.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's on iTunes. Here's the link.

My new album is on iTunes. Below is the link to go look at it. If you like EDM then go check it out. If you like underground music, then this is DEFINITELY for you. I am so underground that literally fewer than 50 people have heard most of the stuff on this album. Be the first one to hear some of these tracks. I am basically catering to hipsters. It's really mainstream sounding, but I released the whole thing independently.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Album is currently going up.

Sorry for the delay. My album is currently uploading. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

New album on the way. Stay posted.

It's coming.
A few hours from now, I am dropping my new album on iTunes. Get hyped if you're ready. I put the track listing on here earlier, so you know what to expect. There are totally new songs here, and there are ones that you have never heard from me. I am releasing the album using DistroKid, which you should check out if you make music and want to release it online through the major streaming services. Get ready for this if you aren't already. It's not like it's too extreme or anything. I am releasing it despite the fact that I am already coming out with several new music covers soon, but I am going to be releasing those in a separate album. I might release a few early. Idk. I'm excited though. It is gonna be A E S T H E T I C  A F. If you want, use the hashtag #edmsideprojectalbum or #thisis1984. I doubt that you will, but who knows.

New Album

Hey guys! Just finished up some stuff for a debut iTunes album. Not an EP, mind you. This isn't a brief little thing. I do realize that the track listing is small, but that's because the songs I am really proud of are few and far between. Here is the list of songs (not necessarily in this order):
  • Rave Wave
  • Final Boss
  • It Took The Night To Believe
  • This is 1984 (Instrumental Mix) You have not heard this song yet unless you go to school with me
  • Megalovania (EDM Side Project Remix 3) New Version that nobody except for me has heard
  • Spooky Scary Skeletons (EDM Side Project Remix 2016) This version has been around for a few months but I was saving it for halloween. You definitely have not heard any of this. It's FIRE.
So basically, this full album is the length of a Skrillex EP, with better mixing, longer songs, and infinitely more musical diversity. Make sure you listen to it with Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Prime Music, etc. You don't need to buy it up front bc Spotify exists. Y'welcome.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sunn O)))–It Took The Night To Believe (COVER)

Hello to the 3 of you that look at this blog! I just posted a music video! Check it out!

A message for homophobes

If you still hate LGBTQ+ people in 2016, you need to get help. If you are against legalizing gay marriage, let me get you some counseling. If you are disgusted by the thought of homosexuality, it's only a matter of time before you suddenly come out as gay (JOKE SARCASM)